Baby Care Basics - Apr 7

  • Class
60 E Main St, Kings Park, NY 11754, USA
Apr 07 2025
Baby Care Basics
  1. Mon7:00 - 9:30 pm
  2. Tue 
  3. Wed 
  4. Thu 
  5. Fri 
  6. Sat 
  7. Sun 


Congratulations! You are now on the greatest adventure of your life: PARENTHOOD!


Do you ever wonder if you'll know if your little one is hungry or tired or just needs to be held? Do you wonder how you'll get enough sleep to be the parent you want to be? Do you know how to swaddle or diaper your little one, or take their temperature or what normal baby poop looks like?

Hmm? Not much experience with babies? Take this class and learn what IS normal and when to call your doctor. Learn how truly amazing you baby is and how they communicate. Get the info you don't even know you need! Build your confidence! 


After your baby is born, we are available to answer any questions and provide great postpartum support. Including our New Mother's Group.


Please bring a "baby-size" doll or stuffed animal to class.

Class dates


Registration period

Registration starts on 09/13/2023 and ends on 04/06/2025.

In-person location

60 E Main St, Kings Park, NY 11754, USA

Online location
